Jodha Akbar is a saga of love between Emperor Akbar, the vanquisher of foes and conqueror of nations, and Queen Jodha, a beautiful Rajput princess, a symphony of beauty and benevol...
The show revolves around Swati, an ardent believer in Goddess Santoshi, and her life’s journey. While Poulomi, the goddess of jealousy, tries creating problems in Swati's life an...
Razia Sultan is an intriguing historical drama revolving around the warrior princess Razia Sultan. The show beautifully depicts the life of Razia Sultan, the first woman emperor of...
Yeshu is a Hindi TV show which beautifully depicts the childhood of Yeshu Masih (Jesus Christ). This series showcases Yeshu’s miracles and how he helped people with his healing p...
A series based on the awe-inspiring life and journey of Subhash Chandra Bose and his contribution in India's battle against the British. A patriotic drama series that narrates the ...
Razia Sultan is an intriguing historical drama revolving around the warrior princess Razia Sultan. The show beautifully depicts the life of Razia Sultan, the first woman emperor of...
Jodha Akbar is a saga of love between Emperor Akbar, the vanquisher of foes and conqueror of nations, and Queen Jodha, a beautiful Rajput princess, a symphony of beauty and benevol...
Jodha Akbar is a saga of love between Emperor Akbar, the vanquisher of foes and conqueror of nations, and Queen Jodha, a beautiful Rajput princess, a symphony of beauty and benevol...
Jodha Akbar is a saga of love between Emperor Akbar, the vanquisher of foes and conqueror of nations, and Queen Jodha, a beautiful Rajput princess, a symphony of beauty and benevol...
This is a first-of-its-kind mythological comedy show that recreates some of Indian Vedic literature’s most humorous tales and imparts moral teachings at the end of each episode. ...
The show aims to unravel the prodigious journey of the Mughal emperor, Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar. It covers all the facets, right from the days of Akbar's childhood when he was f...