The story follows the life two sisters, Pragya and Bulbul. Bulbul falls in love with her boss Purab, Pragya gets a proposal of marriage from Abhi, a successful Rockstar. Pragya agr...
Zindagi Ki Mehek is the story of a middle-class girl and superchef Mehek. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets a wealthy and arrogant restaurateur, Shaurya. With time, ...
This is a story about a contemporary son-in-law, who, despite being a jet-setting hotelier, takes it upon himself to repair the estranged relationship between his wife and his moth...
Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti is a Hindi family drama show that focusses on the lives of Shubhra, Kuldeep and their kids, Roli and Rishi. After 10 years of marriage, cracks begin t...
Kundali Bhagya, a spin-off of top-rated TV series Kumkum Bhagya, which revolves around 2 sisters Preeta and Srishti, who reunite with their estranged mother Sarla after a long time...
Shabnam, a talented Muslim girl who aspires to become a doctor, escapes from home on being pressurised to marry. She accidentally comes across Jashojit, a Hindu doctor, and marries...
A little girl Gangaa is looked down by all as she’s a child widow and forced to live like an outcast. But a guardian angel, Niranjan, takes her home, where she meets Sagar, Niran...
Due to a dispute between two brothers, Charan and Jagan, over their land, their mother declares that the business will be handed over to Jagan. In an incident, Charan is killed and...
A fun-filled comedy show based in the lively lanes of Kanpur where two distinctly different men, Tiwari and Vibhuti, reside as neighbours. The show depicts the lives of Tiwari and ...
A story about the union of two people, who may be poles apart from each other, but want to spend their lives together. This show traces the beautiful journey of Kabir and Zara, two...
Set in the Muslim backdrop, the story revolves around a girl, who hates the culture of hypocrisy in a joint family. The show embarks on the journey of this spirited girl as she tri...
The intriguing story of an unusual arranged marriage of an older woman and a younger boy. The story explores the relationship between Reeti and Vibhor, belonging to families who ar...