A chat show hosted by the renowned actor, Gunjan Utreja, who talks with Bollywood celebs. His encounters get even more interesting due to the presence of the celebs' fitness instru...
A series based on the awe-inspiring life and journey of Subhash Chandra Bose and his contribution in India's battle against the British. A patriotic drama series that narrates the ...
A unique chat show that features the best of Bollywood celebrities coming together in their most fun avatar. The show witnesses some of the most sought-after, hot-steppers of Tinse...
A TV show, which is part chat-show and part make-over show. The A-list television stars are invited to some top designers' stores. After a warm chat about each other, their lives, ...
Movie Masti with Maniesh Paul is a light-hearted Bollywood celebrity game show where the host tests the celebrities' knowledge and passion for films with some tricky tasks, fun gam...
The musical show is hosted by the renowned singer, Javed Ali. After the audition of 1,20,000 participants from the nation, top fifteen contestants manage to impress the judges with...
Get up-close and personal with your favourite Bollywood stars and watch them getting candid with Niranjan Iyengar, a popular screenwriter. Look Who's Talking With Niranjan is a uni...
Get up close and personal with your favourite Bollywood stars and watch them getting candid with Niranjan as they spill the beans on some untouched, unspoken and interesting aspect...
A singing reality show where the audience has the voting power. Kids from 5-15 years are auditioned and win everyone’s hearts with their singing talent. Judged by Guru Randhawa, ...
Hosted by Suniel Shetty, it's a uniquely crafted show that aims to find the fittest Indian. After an intensive search, 12 contestants (6 Boys & 6 Girls) are shortlisted, who co...
India's Best Judwaa is a never-seen-before reality show where 12 identical twins from across the country are pitted against each other. To find India's most 'connected' pair of twi...
What happens when the elite socialites of Delhi are set against each other? Dilli Darlings promises a glimpse into the lives of ten socialites, capturing their highs and lows along...